
Vanagon Diesel Information:About

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Howdy! This wiki was created by myself; William aka Will in 2015. It started out as a VirtualMachine on my Macbook Pro for my own personal wiki on Betsy. I later decided to publish it live online for others to use as contribute if they would like to add to the VW Vanagon Diesel Community in 2016.

Site Upgrades

System had a major system & application as infrastructure services overhaul on 10/31/2024. If you have any issues contact me.

Site Hardware

The site is run on a VPS (Virtual Private Server) node running FreeBSD. This is a LOW hardware system; 2GB RAM and 1 CPU. It's not a large site. It's small, because it's cheap and I'm not made of money; and only Chris @ T3 has ever donated to the site directly.

Hardware originally was a Oracle Linux VMWare VM, then a CentOS/Fedora/Redhat Linux awhile, then Rocky Linux, and now finally annoyed enough with Linux finally back to a real UNIX OS; FreeBSD. I prefer Solaris, but Oracle killed that.

Consistency, stability, minimalistic, secure, Linux passed that mark when it becamse bloatware.


You can e-mail me at tdivanagons @ gmail or via wpool to this domain

Do you want to contribute

Become a member in the top right corner and start your build page! If you're unable to put it on the wiki, but want it on the wiki, you can always email me the content.


The wiki hosting is sponsored by T3 Technique, so the site continues to stay up. I volunteer my time supporting the site and making edits, as its upkeep.

If you would like to throw some scratch in appreciation that would rock!


Donate via Paypal


Use your IT Skillz

If you want to help on the backend for whatever reason or if you want to learn FreeBSD reach out. I have 23yrs of IT Experience and do it all myself. I wouldn't oppose having another as a backup resource if I was killed etc. Skillz that are useful or trainable if interested: FreeBSD, Apache, MySQL, Php the basics as other obscure shit.

I take security pretty seriously. Here's an old old paper I wrote on the subject years ago

File:Worked-years-change-it 511.pdf