Engine Suggested Enhancements
This page is for modifications from a stock engine to make it stronger, better, faster and capable of pushing a big fucking heavy ass brick it wasn't intended to do.
Enhancements that can be done to the 1z and AHU VW TDI Engines
Enhancements that can be done to the ALH and BEW VW TDI Engines
Oil Pump Volume Upgrade
TDIClub Upgrading to the BRM oil pump
When comparing the old BRM pump, the tooth count for the sprocket was 23 teeth compared to the ALH pump, which has 30 teeth. That equals about a 30% increase in speed for the BRM oil pump.
The actual oil pump is the same between ALH, BEW, and BRM.
- BRM Sprocket P/N: 038115121A
- BRM Sprocket chain P/N: 038115130A
- BRM chain tensioner P/N: 038115130
If you plan to install the windage tray P/N: 06B103623P you use
- BRM Sprocket P/N: 038115121A
- BRM chain tensioner P/N: 038115130
- ALH chain P/N: 06A115130B
Enhancements that can be done to the 1z/AHU, ALH, and BEW VW TDI Engines
Improving Oil Galley Piston Cooling
TDIClub - Improving Oil Galley Piston Cooling
BRM Oil Squirter P/N: 038103157C / 038103157B
The original pistons on all of the 1Z/ AHU/ ALH and a few of the PD motors are not galley cooled pistons. This modification helps oil keep everything cool better in the engine.