
Engine Electrical

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Engine Electrical

1.6na (CS)


Vangon Bentley section 97 page 671

Glow Plug replacement

Glow Plug Fuse Replacement

Glow Plug Replacement

Alternator 90a Upgrade

Use a 1985-88 Jetta alternator pulley & 90a Alternator. After you use the same sized coolant pump belt for the alt; 10x643. This, making the two the same and not different like stock.

You'll have to either fabricate a bracket or manage to make the DV one work which some have said they managed to. I wasn't able to and made my own bracket out of steel.

Here is a template of my bracket

File:DV 90alt upgrade.pdf

Starter Replacement

My starter went out, and this is a video of how it sounded:

YouTube Vanagon Diesel Starter Fail

Get a SR28X is the model to search for ideally Bosch. There are two types the larger older one is better, but people use the newer one without issues too.

The best instructions I found was via Libby here here which states:

I would first remove the negative battery cable. Then I would loosen the two starter mounting bolts and remove one of them, leaving the other one just barely in place. Then slide underneath the van with 13mm wrench or socket and ratchet in hand. I can slide under there even without it jacked up, but with it on jack stands or ramps makes it less crowded. Loosen and remove the solenoid nut. Pull the spade connector. Remove the last starter bolt by hand and pull the starter out to the bottom of the van.

Starter Upgrades

The goal is to upgrade to a TDI starter which can be done via obtaining an adaptor at Bernd Jager and other places. Make SURE that it's meant to fit onto the Diesel Vangon Bell Housing!

1.9 TDI (AHU/ALH) Injection Pump Timing

Two very good articles on it are:

IDParts - Checking pump timing

IDParts - Adjusting pump timing


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